The Idea

How can we make technology more accessible to students and staff of Lynden High School? During my IT Internship at the high school, I began thinking about this question, and how I could act on it during my time with the Internship. Over a few years of thinking, and other attempts that unfortunately made no progress towards the goal, my advisor and I thought of a YouTube channel. The channel would contain multiple tutorial videos for both the students and teachers with new ways to use their school provided devices. How to use OneDrive to sync files across computers, clever ways to take advantage of OneNote, and more.

Creating the Channel

I began by creating the branding and assets for the channel. formed a game plan to follow through the production of the channel content, and scripts for each video.

Final Product

I created and produced videos for a YouTube Channel titled Lynden Tech Tips. The channel is a way to share useful information and resources for Lynden High School students and teachers. Some screenshots of the channel and links to view the videos are below.

Links to View

Want to check out the videos?

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Lynden Tech Tips logo
YouTube channel screenshot

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